Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Yesterday Lani landed in Salt Lake City and was taken in to the loving care of our friends.  The spoiled her rotten and brought her to the MTC. The sent us some lovely pictures of her. The also sent this email.


As for memories of the MTC, they just do a drop-off now (not the presentation with the missionaries exiting one way and families the other way); but since we were there 8 months ago, there are a LOT more missionaries there.  The sister who is in the picture with her is just one of the HUNDREDS of missionaries lined along the sidewalk, ready to help with luggage and getting them into the building where they need to be, giving high fives, etc.  There's a lot of good energy.  Also nerves.  Lani said to Ash, "There are so many people here!  I'm really nervous."  Ashie said, "No way!  You are going to be GREAT!"

This was a beautiful day for us.  You've raised a lovely young woman, and we are blessed to have gotten to spend time with her.  Thank you again and again for giving us this opportunity.

At April conference President Monson announced that we currently have 65.634 missionaries serving. There are approx. 20,000 waiting to leave and 6,000 applications in process. We as of today there are now 65,635 and one less missionary waiting to leave. GO get em Tiger!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Hey all heads up. My Mom and Sister are monitoring my blog and Facebook account starting Monday night. I will not be checking messages or comments on either of these accounts. Therefore I will not be responding to birthday wishes and blog comments. Sorry

I would love to hear from you all during my mission. I will however have limited time to respond to mail weekly. Cassie and Mum will keep contact info current on my Facebook account and on the sidebar of my blog.

During my time in the MTC you can send me letters via Dear Elder FREE :) Thanks for this service Dear Elder! If you post a letter before 12:30 Utah time I will get it that day. :) Snail mail and email work too.

After I leave the MTC at the beginning of June if you want me to get info quickly it is best to send it through Dear Elder. I'll have it in 48 hours and it is cheaper than Canada Post and faster for that matter.

For those of you that don't seem to make it to the mail box to get the paper to the snail. You can use my email addy. If you have any questions fire them at Cassie or Mum.

See ya in 18 months \"/ ( love ya in ASL)

Sister Bascom

There She Goes

I am standing on the sea shore,
A ship sails in the morning breeze and starts for the ocean.
She is an object of beauty and I stand watching her
Till at last she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says:
"She is gone."

Gone! Where?
Gone from my sight - that is all.
She is just as large in the masts, hull and spars as she was when I saw her
And just as able to bear her load of living freight to its destination.
The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me,
not in her.

And just at the moment when someone at my side says,
"She is gone",
There are others who are watching her coming, and other voices take up a glad shout:
"There she comes!"

This morning Lani said her good byes to her family.  We departed from our home to make the three hour drive to Calgary for her to board her plane. She had a lovely nap. Catching up on all those late nights Skyping with friends.

We arrived with plenty of time for her to enjoy some sushi in the airport. Check in and get through customs. Lani is the second child of EIGHT ( you can gasp. Many people do.) so she hasn't had the opportunity to fly since she was wee. So you can imagine that she was excited to experience flying again.

Mean while our dear friend Aundrea was having the longest day of her life waiting for her to come. She and her family are picking her up in SLC spending the evening with her and taking her to the MTC tomm.

I found this lovely graphic that plucked my heart strings this morning. We are thrilled to see her leave the safe harbour of our home and are excited to see where the wind takes her these next 18 months. Fair winds my dear Leilani.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Being Set Apart

Tonight  was a lovely evening with Lani. It started off by us having our last supper as a family with everyone around our table. Who knows when that will happen again with Lani going on her mission and our other children that are in the coming and going years coming and going. One of Lani's favourite meals is crepes and her father spoilt her by making a bunch and us having every thing you possibly think of as toppings.

We have a family tradition that when our kids have done something special that they get to eat off the red plate. The red plate says "You are special today." So Lani got a red plate mea,l as your last dinner with your family for 18 months makes you special.

After our meal we met the stake president for Lani to be set apart. This is another one of those terms that us Mormons use. To be set apart means that someone with priesthood authority puts their hands on your head and gives you the keys and authority to administer your responsibility in the church. Missionaries are set apart by a stake president. He can invite others to join him.

This term to me has great meaning. To be set apart meant to be chosen. To be set apart from the world to be used as a tool in the Lord's hands. To work as a team with him to assist God's children in reaching their full potential. To fully accomplish this takes prayer, study of divine writings and listening for those small whisperings from the spirit.

Last night we ( Lani, her Dad, Mum, siblings and grandfather.) met with President Hill. He planned with Lani how the meeting would evolve. She asked for Cassie to offer an opening prayer. Then he asked for Lorne and I to bear our testimonies. (The testimony will be an explanation is for another post.) Cassie's prayer was sweet and pure and invited the spirit. Lorne and I both had a hard time truly expressing to our children how we feel about the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives as we choked back tears. Then Pres. Hill invited Lani's father and grandfather to join him in setting her apart.

What a wonderful blessing she received. She was blessed with safety. Which calms my mommy heart.  To be able to discern the spirit and know who wants to be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. She would be able to learn her language. That he would make friends while she is serving. That she would rise as a capable leader and many other things. To me these blessings feel like our Heavenly Father is communicating with us through worthy priesthood holders and telling us the things he would say if he were physically with us. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that loves us enough to provide a means that he can communicate with us even though he can't be with us physically at this time.

The spirit was felt by all in the room. I don't know that anyone didn't have a dry eye in the room. Especially Karissa that was invited to close the meeting with prayer.

We then came home and had some special time telling Lani how much we love her and how much we will miss her. Elizabeth offered a family prayer in her language that is soon to become the language of Lani's mission. She told Heavenly Father how much she loves and will miss her big sister as she flies away tomorrow to what seems to her little sister as forever.

Angel In Our Midst

I couldn't leave on my mission without saying something about a very special someone, who came into my life shortly after making the decision to go on a mission.

Her name is Sam, she moved here right after conference, fresh off her mission from Scotland, and I'm sure God sent her here just for me. What more could I ask for when I am preparing to leave on a mission, than a RM (return missionary) that could help me prepare? Sam has become my best friend these last few months, she has given me so much advice, and been there to help me sort out my problems and worries. We have both been great listeners and supports for each other in these refining times and I will always remember her and be so thankful to her for the love and friendship she has shown me as I prepare to leave. She truly is a angle, and she was sent here just for me. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

So Long, Farewell

It is customary for a missionary to give a farewell talk and have a open house a few days before they leave. Well I just had mine and it was great. My talk this morning was based off of Elder Nelson talk "Ask The Missionaries, They Can Help You"from the Oct 2012 general conference. It went well I think, besides the fact that I said ummm over 50 times (Cassie counted). Guess I get to work on eliminating that habit. :/

I also heard my friend Shane give his farewell talk using the same talk as the base of his speech today. It was interesting to hear how different our talks were. He enters the MTC May 1st. 

We then had open house later that evening. I had mixed emotions tonight. I have moved in July from my hometown where i grew up. My old friends and family  I grew up with weren't able to be here. Just my new friends. Which was still awesome, but I defiantly missing them. Now I just have tomorrow to get all my stuff together and then it's off to the Calgary airport Tuesday morning. So long farewell

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Good News, Good News and MORE Good News

All good thing happen in threes. My good things all came with in hours of each other.

Firstly Utah called saying they have my visa and were sending it to me that day. This is a miracle. We were told when my mission call arrived that is is taking 5 months to process visas for the United States. They sent my application for my visa off  the end of Jan. We called a few days ago and the travel office said that if they didn't call us by the 15th then I would be postponed a least one group. There is only one group of missionaries at a time learning ASL in the MTC. IF I missed the start of this group then I would have to wait at least 6 weeks.

What tends to happen for Canadians that don't get their visas on time is their local missions will take them so they can start on time. We have had such an influx of sister missionaries in our local mission that I wasn't sure if they would take me. My stake president already had a call into the local mission president. I was waiting to hear if and when he would take me. So I was thrilled to receive a call stating that they have my visa in hand and I get to start my mission a week later than the date on my call letter.

Second my sister plans to be a speech and language pathologist. She hear that got accepted into the program she had applied for and begins in September.

 Thirdly I gave a friend of mine a Book of Mormon  He meet with the missionaries for the second time today.  They asked him if when he knows the church was true if he would be baptized. Today he made a commitment to be baptized, with a tentative date. I am extremely happy for him and know the gospel will be huge blessing in his life.

It was a very exciting day for me finally knowing that I was going on the 24th was such a relief. Hearing my friend and sisters news made it all so much more exciting! The Lord has truly blessed my life already.  Can't wait to see what else He has in store for me.