Yesterday Lani landed in Salt Lake City and was taken in to the loving care of our friends. The spoiled her rotten and brought her to the MTC. The sent us some lovely pictures of her. The also sent this email.
As for memories of the MTC, they just do a drop-off now (not the presentation with the missionaries exiting one way and families the other way); but since we were there 8 months ago, there are a LOT more missionaries there. The sister who is in the picture with her is just one of the HUNDREDS of missionaries lined along the sidewalk, ready to help with luggage and getting them into the building where they need to be, giving high fives, etc. There's a lot of good energy. Also nerves. Lani said to Ash, "There are so many people here! I'm really nervous." Ashie said, "No way! You are going to be GREAT!"
This was a beautiful day for us. You've raised a lovely young woman, and we are blessed to have gotten to spend time with her. Thank you again and again for giving us this opportunity.
At April conference President Monson announced that we currently have 65.634 missionaries serving. There are approx. 20,000 waiting to leave and 6,000 applications in process. We as of today there are now 65,635 and one less missionary waiting to leave. GO get em Tiger!
At April conference President Monson announced that we currently have 65.634 missionaries serving. There are approx. 20,000 waiting to leave and 6,000 applications in process. We as of today there are now 65,635 and one less missionary waiting to leave. GO get em Tiger!