Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Putting off the OLD to become NEW!

This post is experts from a letter sent to Sister Bascom's mother:

Every year the most important present that is exchanged in our family is a gift from us individually to the Saviour. This is what Sister Bascom has chosen to give this year: 

I want to give Christ my old self. I never want to be that girl again. I want to be changed for good and continue to be better everyday. Sometimes I feel the old me trying to creep back in. The one who wants me to waste time on things that won't get me anywhere, who puts her friends before her family. I don't like that girl and I am constantly trying to get rid of her and change her to be better. Its really hard sometimes. She likes to justify herself and what she does, saying its okay to be a little disobedient or selfish if the majority of the time she is good. I want to be selfless and motivated to be the best I can be. Mostly I just want to constantly feel the spirit in my life.

I am trying really hard to focus on missionary work and for me p-days are the hardest. But I know I can do it. At the end of the day success to me is not when someone is baptized, or I taught 3 lessons or we remember to invite every person on the square that we have had contact with that day to learn more and they accept to have more contact with us. Okay that helps. ;) What really makes me feel like a good missionary is when my mind and my heart has been focused on the work all day and it hasn't wandered to places it shouldn't. I want to serve with all my heart, might, mind and strength. http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/4?lang=eng  I I need to not fret about little things, but to love unconditionally the way that Christ does.  Its really hard sometimes. But when I do it even if only for one day or an hour or one minute. It feels great!  Putting off the natural woman.....  can be so frustrating. I have to be patient with myself and learn to love myself for what I am striving to do. Sister Turro this morning was talking about how hard it is to remember everything involved with missionary work. She also feels frustrated with herself when we forget to ask for referrals or....

My goal this week has been striving to use every minute.  To not waste time and just focus on working really hard. I don't want people to tell me to slow down. I can slow down when I am home from my mission. I can sleep when I'm dead. I want to look back on my mission and feel the proudest I have ever been of myself. So far I think I have been doing pretty good, but I know I have more in me to give. Don't you ever feel that way sometimes? Lets not kill ourselves I know.  I feel like if I dig a little deeper I would find more power and energy. I would learn more about myself. It's in trials we learn who we are. Through the atonement of Christ we have the ability to change and become better.   I want to be a power house, I want to look back on everyday with confidence that I learned something and that I am changing. I want to burn off all my imperfections here and be the greatest! Okay this might not all happen but a girl can dream right?!  

Mom I don't want you to worry about me, this has been on my mind for awhile and writing it all down really helps me get out my inner thoughts and desires. Know that I love you! I love you mom, I can't say it enough!! The more I get to know other sisters and hear about their families the more thankful I am for my own and all you have taught me. In my patriarchal blessing I am encouraged to apply the things I've learned in our family to my future one. When I read that I thought whats so great about how my parents raised me? I now know how great you truly are. How you have taught me to love, to love to learn and get a higher education, to develop my talents, that its okay to make mistakes, to love the gospel, to respect myself and and only allow people that show respect into my life, to work hard and to look for hard workers. I love all you have sacrificed for me. I love how you put the Lord first in all things. I love you for all you have taught me especially through example. I truly am blessed. 

Ahhh I feel so much better getting that all down on paper <3 Now I feel like I can push forward with the rest of my week and it will be great now that I got those thoughts out. I love you Mom I can't say it enough. Dad I love you too, you will always be the first man in my life ;) Thank you for your sacrifice.

Sister Bascom

I feel truly blessed that I can call this humble, sweet young woman my daughter. She is a blessing in our lives and an example to her sisters and brothers. Her letter reminds me of another valiant servant of the lord named Nephi in The Book of Mormon. I would invite you to read his writings and to use the atonement of Christ in your life to put off your old self and become new through the atonement of Jesus Christ. http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/4.14-35?lang=eng

Happy New Year!

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